Threat Model

What is threat modeling?

Threat modeling is a process that identifies, classifies and prioritizes potential threats against your applications and infrastructure systems. This approach allows you to better understand potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities that could be exploited, facilitating the implementation of robust and effective security measures.

Certified Experts

We have a team of highly qualified and certified professionals in threat modeling and information security.

Effective Methodology

We use recognized frameworks such as STRIDE, MITRE, DREAD and PASTA to ensure an exhaustive and accurate analysis.

Personalized Service

We tailor our service to the specificities of your organization, ensuring that our recommendations are relevant and effective.

Anticipate Threats and Strengthen Your Security

Architecture Analysis

We understand your specific needs and the scope of the project to design a customized test plan.

Identification of Critical Assets

We use advanced tools and manual techniques to identify weaknesses in your web applications and APIs.

Threat Mapping

Our cybersecurity experts simulate attacks in a controlled environment to see how your systems react under pressure.

Risk Assessment

We provide a full report with detailed findings, including a description of each vulnerability, its severity and potential impact on your business.

Safety Recommendations

We offer practical solutions and specific recommendations to correct the vulnerabilities found, prioritized according to their criticality.

Detailed Reports

We perform additional tests to verify that the vulnerabilities have been adequately corrected.

Proactive Security Vision

We identify and address threats before they become real problems.

Regulatory Compliance

We help your organization comply with regulations and security standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and more.

Resource Optimization

We prioritize threats according to their impact, allowing you to focus your resources on the areas of greatest risk.

Continuous Improvement

We offer an iterative process of evaluation and improvement, adapting to the evolution of threats and the needs of your business.